For our last post of 2021 I thought it would be fun to share all that we have accomplished this year!
January brought us to our farm for this first time. We planned a short visit to see our friends and their sweet new baby girl. While visiting we found our dream farm and our year of change began.

February was spent planning our move to Tennessee. After lots of paperwork, phone calls, and emails our offer was accepted on our dream farm. A few days later we sold our house in Indiana and both got new jobs.

March was moving month! We spent weeks downsizing our belongings. We had a large yard sale, took several trips to local thrift stores, and then packed up everything else. On March 23rd we closed on both houses and headed out to Tennessee! You can read more about that crazy day here.

Our farm journey really started in April. Exactly one month after being on our farm we brought home 6 baby chicks. We were, and still are, over the moon with our chickens.

May was spent redeeming the chicken coop. Jordan did an amazing job transforming that shed into a cozy chicken coop for our girls. If you want to read more about the coop and why we chose our farm name check out The Redeemed Coop post here.

June brought lots of outdoor projects. Jordan spent every spare moment clearing brush and removing overgrowth. The transformation of our property was astonishing.

We had two big milestones for our farm in July. First, I started this blog to share our journey with you. Second and probably the more exciting, was purchasing our first cow! Madeline stole our hearts the moment we met her. I promise as soon as Madeline arrives on our farm I will tell her whole story.

August was jammed full of more outdoor projects, land clearing, and tree removal. We finally started to feel accustomed to the routine of the farm life and were ready for more.

September we got our first farm fresh eggs! Louise was our first layer and soon after we had 5 laying hens. Truffle is still holding out but I anticipate she will start laying in the spring.

Mid-October we were asked to provide a home for 6 baby chicks hatched in an elementary classroom. Of course we had to say yes! There is nothing that makes me happier than giving animals a loving home. I promised those kids we would raise them will lots of love and that is exactly what I plan to do,

November is always a busy month for our family. It starts the birthday, anniversary, and holiday train. This year we celebrated our 10 year anniversary. It was really special to celebrate this day on our farm. After years of dreaming we finally made our farm goals a reality!

December was a somber month. We lost my brother. I got into a car accident. Our calf passed away. This month was just plain hard. Despite everything that happened we kept our eyes focused on the Lord. He has been faithful to us in all of life's ups and downs. We continue to put our trust in Him knowing that we would be nothing and nowhere without Him. God is good all the time! Remembering that truth helped us both keep our gaze forward. You can't change the past but you can certainly learn from it and move forward.

As we look forward to all the new adventures in 2022 I want to keep that same mindset. Trust God in everything. We have so many goals for this new year and I can't wait to share it all with you!