This week I was reflecting on how far I have come in my sourdough journey. As I was pulling out a loaf of bread from the oven, I literally laughed out loud remembering how terrified I was to bake bread just months ago. I was afraid of messing it up. I was afraid of failure. Have you ever experienced that?

In todays social media filled world it is so easy to find someone who is successful in a certain skill and then tell ourselves that we will never be as good or as successful. I was so inspired by those who shared their sourdough journey, they made it look so simple. Yet I was telling myself it was to hard. Admittedly I believed that lie for way too long.

I decided that my fear of failure was no longer going to keep me from pursuing my goal. I grabbed a jar, added flour & water, and started my own sourdough journey. Within a week Trevor, my sourdough starter, was alive!

My sourdough journey was not all success and great bread. It took practice, patience, and lots of flour. But I did it! I conquered my fear and now I bake bread for us every week. It’s no artisan bread but it’s delicious!

What goal or dream are you afraid to pursue? Maybe it’s learning a new skill, taking a class, or you fill in the blank. Take a step forward. Small steps are better than no steps. Don’t be so afraid of failure that you don’t give yourself a chance to succeed.
How can I pray for you this week?
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Ha! Love that you named your starter, Trevor! I presume there is a story there....😂
So true! I’m still afraid to make bread! I want to write a book and need to get with it!! Love you!!