The first weekend in Tennessee was full of thunderstorms, flash floods, and tornado warnings! We had two days to empty our moving truck and the rain wasn’t going to stop us.

The biggest challenge of unloading while raining was the metal ramp. It only took us slipping down the ramp a few times before we added a blanket and started to let gravity work for us. We got about half way through the truck on the first day before it was just too dark to work safely. The following day we were beyond grateful when my brother and sister-in-law came to help us finish! The four of us cleared that truck in a matter of hours and thankfully had a break in the rain!

Jordan returned the truck and then we started the fun of unpacking, organizing, and decorating! I thoroughly enjoy this part so it was only a matter of days before it felt more like home. The first room to feel truly complete was the kitchen and thats because coffee is high priority around here. You can’t start your day without Jesus and Coffee!

Now that we had the coffee station ready to go we could conquer the rest of the house! We have an open concept space so it was pretty easy to make cozy. One of the greatest perks of downsizing is less to maintain, at least indoors. One of the not so fun parts of downsizing is trying to find space for all the sentimental things. You know those items you keep from your childhood or items that have been passed down to you. Well we had a few of those boxes and no where to put them. So after staring at them for a few weeks, we decided to build a shed!

The shed project was mostly completed by Jordan since I was at work all day but as soon as I was able I joined in and we got it done! Simple little shed just perfect for our needs. With the extra boxes finally out of the house we could relax in our cozy little farmhouse!
