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Waiting for Spring


Happy Friday y’all! Sorry for being MIA last week. We took a short trip with our church youth group to a nearby ski resort. Not surprising to those who know me but skiing is NOT my thing. I tried but my knees had no intention of allowing me to enjoy the slopes. I was so sore I could barely walk that first day. I spent the last two hours of the day relaxing inside the lodge. I was glad to be there as a support but next time I'll stay off the slopes.

That was our first overnight trip away from the farm and we sure missed it. Unfortunately we both got the sick shortly after returning home. The headache and body aches were the worst part and I am so thankful to be past that. Now if we could just get our energy back and clear the brain fog, we would be golden. Since we were stuck at home we spent most of our time resting and planning for spring. I will say that planning a garden while dealing with brain fog is not very productive, but at least we got it started.

We are hoping to start work on the barn stalls and floors within the next few week but still trying to get all the supplies gathered. We have spent countless hours planning the layout of the barn and I think we finally agreed on a plan.

The fence install is still up in the air. We can't seem to get a definitive start date from the contractor because of supplies. I am trying so hard to be patient but that fence is the only thing between us and our cows coming home. I am trusting the God has a reason for the delay and using the time we have to work on other areas of our farm, like the garden.

The chickens are all doing great! Last week Truffle finally laid her first egg! A light blush colored egg, another beautiful addition to our rainbow. Our girls did take a short winter hiatus but they are back and laying consistently. With spring right around the corner we have started discussing how many chicks we will be adding this year. I really want to up our egg game this year and I am so ready for those adorable baby chicks!

We say it everyday but we sure do love our farm. It is a peaceful haven from the chaos and worries of the world. God is so good. I can't help but praise Him when I wake up every morning to the beauty surrounding us. The sights and sounds of our farm bring such joy to my soul. I hope this clip brings a moment of peace and a smile to your heart. If you listening closely you can hear our neighbors cows too!

Thank you all for being here to support our slowly growing farm. I can't wait to see what God does in the future here at The Redeemed Coop!


How can I pray for you this week?

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1 Comment

Feb 12, 2022

I've been thinking about our garden too. I think I'm going to start some of my own plants this year but we shall see. God blesses our little garden. I hope your garden does really well. Love you guys!!!

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