Hey y’all! This past week was a whirlwind, but for great reasons. We had so many visitors on the farm! Our family came to visit from out of town as well as one of our best college professors. It was so rewarding to share our farm and celebrate all that we have accomplished. Truly was a blessing to see the joy that it brought each one of them.
It reminded us of a concept that we have learned in school, as well as growing in our career. See one, do one, teach one. It is a simple concept but has great benefit. We started our farm journey by doing a lot of “seeing”. We went to classes, visited other farms, and did a ton of research. Would not recommend skipping this step.

Then we jumped in and did it. We started our farm! We started small with just 6 chickens. Then as we felt more comfortable we added more chickens. When we felt ready we brought home our cows. After several months “doing” farm life, naturally we moved to the next step.

We certainly don’t claim to be experts but we definitely enjoy sharing what we have learned and encouraging others in their own farm journey. It truly is rewarding to share some of what we have learned with our family, friends, and of course you! The whole purpose of this blog is to encourage and help others in their own journeys.

I hope that each week you find some encouragement or maybe even just a smile when you stop by our cozy corner of the interwebs. As always, if you ever have questions, topics you would like to see here, or anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out or leave a comment below.
For those who don’t follow our Instagram account, we had an amazing announcement this week. We officially have a farm logo!!
Well actually several. We plan to order some farm merchandise. If y’all would be interested in anything, please email me with what you would be interested in so we know how much to order.
Currently we are looking to order shirts, sweatshirts, hats, tote bags, and maybe some coffee cups or mugs.

How can I pray for you this week?
Please leave a comment below