I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to spend some time with the ones you love! I truly love this time of year. It gives us a chance to reflect on all our blessings and thank God for all that He has done. We are also celebrating 11 years of marriage! What a beautiful blessing y'all.

Our hearts are so full. God has brought us to a place that allowed for healing, redemption, and growth. Building our farm together has allowed us not only to strengthen our marriage but to grow in grace together. God used every single hard day and every celebration to show us how much we need each Him and each other. I am so thankful for how much we have grown in the short time we have been here.

The farm has grown tremendously too! Last thanksgiving we had 12 chickens. This year we have 29 chickens, 2 cows, and 5 goats! God is good. God is faithful. We are so thankful. We set a goal and He surpassed our expectations. We worked tirelessly on building and preparing, and He brought new life and new blessings to our farm. I can't say it enough. God is good.

As we look ahead to the Christmas season, we can't help but be excited! Trexy will be going off farm to be bred. Although we will miss her terribly while she is away, we are so thankful for our dear friends who will take such amazing care of her. I know she will be in great hands during her time away. We will also be bringing home a lovely steer to raise and finish for meat. Owen, our steer, will be also be keeping Madeline company while Trexy is away.

Although we don't know all that God has in store for us, we are believing that God has a greater purpose for this little 5 acre farm. I don't think there are any coincidences to all the spiderwebbing connections that He has orchestrated in order to make this farm happen. We are hoping that through telling our story and sharing our farm journey that maybe it can show y'all a glimpse of the heart of God and His goodness. We hope to bring joy to others and maybe help a few of you in your own farm journeys. We know we still have plenty to learn! So for now, we'll keep pursuing, keep pushing, and pray that God will continue the growing.

How can I pray for you?
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