Y'all I can't believe I have been blogging for a year! I truly want to thank each one of you for following our journey and supporting my little blog. I absolutely love sharing out farm journey and encouraging y'all in whatever way I can. To celebrate out blog-iversary, I thought it would be fun to look back at a few of our favorite moments and posts from this year.
To start off our celebration, I wanted to share our most favorite post from last year! The Redeemed Coop. This was how we started. Check out that post for all the fun details of how we redeemed the chicken coop and started our farm!

Our most viewed post is "Dealing with Emotions on the Farm". Definitely a real-life farm topic. Farming can be tough for sure, but surrounding yourself with a community who will support you through it... Priceless.
Who doesn't love a good funny farm story? This next post was part of my #FridayFavorite series. I won't spoil that story, you'll just have to check it out. Good Time on the Farm.

Who wants a freebie? I mean I know everyone does. I put together some simple guides and I want to share them both with y'all. Check out Name Your Goals , Make it a Reality, and How to Choose the Right Animals for Your Farm! I hope you find these worksheets easy and helpful.
The last post I wanted to highlight today was our Year in Review. This was such a fun one to write. I loved looking back on all the progress we had made in our farm journey. We have come a long way since that post and I look forward to doing our 2022 Year in Review.

I hope y'all enjoyed taking a look at some our favorite posts! I know I loved reading them again. It is so fun to watch our farm grow and our community of farm loving friends grow with us.

I would love to hear from you too! Do you have a favorite post? If you do, share it with a friend who you think would enjoy it? If you are Instagram, don't forget to tag me. I love connecting with you all.
Happy Blog-iversary Farm Friends!
Hope you have a blessed day!
How can I pray for you?
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