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Meet Our Goats


Y'all the day is finally here!! Our goats are finally home. After several months of planning and preparation we are so excited to start the next chapter of our farm journey. Let me introduce y'all to our goats!

Let's start with Paris. Paris comes from a great line of Oberhasli goats. Her grand-dam actually won Best Udder at the ADGA Nationals! She is sure to be a great producer for us. Paris was bred to our buck on September 21st. The gestation for goats is 150 days, which would put her due date at February 18, 2023.

Our next doe is Your Kiss, but we call her Kissy. She also comes from a well known line of Oberhasli goats. Kissy also came with her sweet little doeling which we named Rory. She was born in March and is absolutely stunning. Kissy was exposed to our buck on October 10th, which would put her due date at March 9, 2023.

Next up we have another little doeling named River. She is the sweetest little goat and is almost always seen hanging with Paris. She also comes from a stellar line of Oberhasli's. I am so excited to see how she grows up and what beautiful kids she brings to the farm.

Last but certainly not least, is our buck. ChaseTheDream! Some call him Chase, but I call him "Cha-sa-the-drem". You can thank my ADHD and dyslexic brain for not being able to read his name correctly... and now he will forever be "Cha-sa-the-drem" to me. He is a stunner and of all the stories I have heard and read about bucks, he doesn't seem to fit that mold. He is sweet, gentle, and loves to be scratched. We are so excited to have him on our farm and to continue our goat lineage with him.


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