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Into the Next Chapter

Hey friends! It has been entirely too long since I got a blog post out. The past few months have been consumed with surgeries, procedures, and fertility treatments while we prepared for our second FET (frozen embryo transfer). As y'all likely already know, we lost our second embaby boy in July. It's hard to create while grieving. Words are hard. My brain is just not functioning at full capacity yet. I'll get there, but for now I am being gracious and patient with myself. I truly appreciate y'all being so sweet and understanding during this time. I appreciate all of you that have reached out to us, we are beyond blessed by all the prayers and encouragement you have provided.

Beach Vacation
Jordan and I on vacation at Dauphin Island

Losing Wyatt felt like the end of chapter. I can't say for certain that we are done with IVF, but it certainly feels that we are being lead to close that door. Instead of just plowing through life trying to process this loss, we decided to take some time off and rest. We took our first vacation in at least 5 years. Y'all, it was so needed! We used this rest but also reflect on the past few years. We even took some time to discuss areas in our life that we feel could use some improvement. A few keys items really stood out to us, so I thought I would share them with you.

  1. Balance

    This was something that we really needed to re-evaluate in our life and I have a whole blog planned for this topic, as it relates to farm life. Balance might mean different things to differnt people, but for us we had sort of lost of the balance of life & farm. We put so much of our time and energy into growing our farm that our lives took a back seat. The key point we discussed was ensuring that we make time for us and not exhaust ourselves with farm life.

  2. Relationships

    This goes hand-in-hand with balance, but was worth it's own section. In the past year or so we have really struggled with finding time to connect and grow the relationships/friendships in our life. We have so many amazing friends, who are super understanding of what is going on in our family, but we also felt like we needed to be better about feeding those relationships. Making time to have our friends over for dinner, game nights, or just a coffee date. This requires us to look at our schedule and make some adjustments to our routines. In this next chapter I also want to focus on making our home more hospitable and welcoming. The book Holy Hygge brings this concept to life for me.

  3. Farm Life

    I touched on this in our last blog post, but we really want to revise our farm goals and create a mission statement for our farm. We are still working through that process but I highly recommend taking the time to evaluate your farm or homestead and ensuring that if something isn't working for your family, you address it. For us, we needed to evaluate the number of animals we have and ensure that we aren't spreading ourselves (and our land) too thin. Once we finalize our farm goals and mission statement we'll be sure to share that with y 'all.

Family Gallery Wall
Family Gallery Wall

As we walk into the next chapter of life, we don't know what lies ahead. We don't know if or when our family will grow. What we do know is that God is always good. He continues to provide for our needs and we trust Him with whatever lies ahead. In our faith, our family, and our farm, to God be the glory.


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