I can't believe our cows have been home for almost a full week y'all. It is absolutely a dream right now. I think if you would have told me that in just 13 months we would have a 2 cows, 25 chickens, and 2 additional dogs... I wouldn't have believed you. When we decided to take the leap into farming we gave ourselves a 3-5 year timeline before adding cows, well God had other plans.

Bringing our cows home last Saturday was one of the scariest yet most exciting things we have done in a long time. I commend Jordan for his ability to drive with the cattle trailer to and from St. Louis without any issues. I was terrified just sitting in the passenger seat! I can't imagine how Trexy must have felt coming all the way from Kansas. Thankfully all of us made it home safely. Madeline arrived on our farm just a few minutes before we did and we were able to bring both of them off the trailers into their holding pen without incident.

The cows spent their first night in the barn to help them adjust. They were thrilled when we let them out on pasture to explore their new home. I think we both cried a little while watching them in the pasture. We took our time with them and tried to keep their stress at a minimum. Once we felt they were starting to feel more comfortable we let the dogs join them in the barn. It honestly was a lot easier of a transition than either of us expected. Baxter just adores Trexy and so far everyday they exchange a kiss or two.

I am really proud of ourselves. We have done so much work to get to this point and it's such a blessing to see God's hand in the building of our farm and our lives. I am thankful for The Redeemed Coop and I pray that this farm is a blessing to you. My prayer as we grow and continue this journey is that God will use this farm to be a light. I truly am thankful for each one of you who take the time to read our little blog each week.
How can I pray for you this week?
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So proud of you guys it is amazing all you have done now enjoy it and breath on the beautiful farm love you guys