We made it through another week and it’s time
for Friday Favorites!!
Have you ever been in a situation and you find yourself asking, is this real life? Almost daily on the farm I feel the urge to pinch myself and see if this is all just a dream. I can’t express the feeling I get when I come home from work and am greeted by 12 chickens, two dogs, a cat, and the beauty of our farm. Being a farm mom is an amazing privilege and I don’t ever want to let my fur or feather babies down.

My girls are loving more freedom to free range in the yard. They still find time to nap in their coop and sometimes even under Jordan’s truck.

They have been doing a great job laying some beautiful eggs. I originally thought these brownish -pink eggs were from Truffle but we discovered they were from Princess Lay-A. Which caused a bit of confusion when I found two on the same day. So either we have another hen laying or we missed picking her egg up the day before. Both are likely but my vote is on the latter, because we have gone almost a week without two brown eggs on the same day.

We even got to visit Madeline this week! I know it might sound silly to some but I think she is learning to love us almost as much as we love her! If not love she is certainly learning to trust us, at least when we have treats.
The highlight of our week was a visit from Jordan’s parents. They flew down for a short visit and we had a wonderful time showing them around our farm, exploring our town, and taking them to meet Madeline! I can’t even express the gratitude I have for them. It’s crazy the way God prepares our future. God knew what we would need, when we would need it, and who would provide it. Not only did God provide a specific answer to prayer but he went above and beyond. Jordan’s parents have collected a vast assortment of dairy related items over the years and since they are in the process of downsizing, we are able to go through those items and lighten some of the financial burden of starting our farm.

As I sit here to reflect on our week I can’t help but thank God for his love and provisions. We have been praying for many weeks that God would provide for specific needs on our farm. This week God answered that in a huge way! Honestly, it could not have come at a better time. I shared a little blurb on last week’s blog about the lessons we learned when things don’t go quite as planned. This week God showed us he is faithful to provide for our every need. I get a little emotional but, I mean think about it y’all. The God who created the world and is sovereign over all, cares about me enough to provide for our little farm.

To wrap up this weeks post I just want to say thank you to my loving and supportive husband. He works so hard for this farm and I want him to know that I appreciate everything he does!
Thank y’all for stopping by my little corner of the internet. Hope you have a blessed weekend!
How I can be praying for you this week?
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