Happy Friday Y’all! This week has some pretty amazing moments and I am so grateful that I get to share them with you!
First, I want to share a moment of gratefulness! Jordan has worked tirelessly on our farm and I am so blessed to call him my husband! We don’t always get to work together on projects because of our schedules but this week we did! We found a pile of bricks buried on our property and I had the perfect spot for them! Jordan and I loaded up the bricks and he helped bring my vision to reality.

There is no better place for a little brick patio than in front the cozy cottage coop! It feels so whimsical! We haven’t finished it yet but I think it is beautiful.

If you follow me on Instagram you probably already know the next moment! New baby chicks! This was such a blessing y’all! Literally one day after talking to Jordan about growing our flock, I was asked if I would like some baby chicks! Of course I said yes! These chicks came from a local elementary school. The second grade class watched these little ones hatch and took such great care of them. As they started to grow they needed a new home and Redeemed Coop & Co became their new home!

The class chose their names Pete, Repete, Snowy, Squirrel, Goldie, and Peanut. In all transparency I couldn’t remember the last chicks name… so we decided on Peanut.
Their first day on the farm was pretty uneventful. We wanted the chicks to rest and tried to eliminate as much stress as possible. It was extremely hard not to pick them all up and play, but they needed some rest.
Once they were well rested, fed, and hydrated we started bringing them out and bonding with them. I put 1 or 2 on my shoulder, they nestle into my hair and fall asleep, and occasionally poop. I love building the bond and teaching them all that I am here to love and protect them.
Introducing them to our animals is always fun. Carl was instantly the protector and loves watching over them. Beau only sees a treat, so we don’t let him get too close. Jasper loves sitting in the warmth of the heat lamp and watching over them. We don’t plan on introducing them to our flock for at least two weeks. We want to make sure there is no sickness and let the chicks grow before bringing them out there.
While the chicks are resting I read through all the letters the class wrote to us and the chicks. I have read these several times in the last two days and every time it brings a smile to my face. I promise to take care of these chicks and give them the best farm life ever!

I really am so grateful for our farm. God has used our new home to grow my faith in Him. He is showing me everyday how much he loves me and how faithful he is to provide for our every need. The mercies of God are new every morning!

I loved this blog!! Those chicks are fortunate to have found you and Jordan!! I loved the picture of the chicks with the little truck, etc!! so glad you have a blog! I’d love to be on a farm but that isn’t happening so far!! Randy and I are having a get-away weekend in Ft. Walton Beach.