I am starting a new series on the blog! I am going to share some of my favorite moments on the farm each week! #fridayfavorites Most of you could probably guess my first moment! Our very first egg! I was so sad to miss the excitement of this but my husband did a great job keeping me in the loop as Louise brought us our first farm fresh egg!

Cattle class (technically called Master Beef Producers Program) is always a highlight! This week we learned about calf pulling and emergency situations! I love it when I can be hands on and learn along side other farmers!

Being home for Thelma‘s first egg was magical! Hearing her “egg song” and watching her nest as she got closer to laying her egg was so amazing! Those beautiful blue eggs are just perfect!

I always love hanging out with my girls but with the amount of rain we got this week it made it a little harder. I still find time everyday to go out and talk to my girls, give them treats, and make sure they all know how loved they are! When I walked into the coop and found them all roosting, my heart just felt full!

This moment didn’t happen on the farm but it was still a great one. Being by the still waters of the lake and enjoying an evening with my husband, was priceless. The last several times we have gone fishing I had come up empty but finally I got a decent size bass!

Now this is not a favorite moment but it definitely a funny moment! I had just gotten home from work and went to check the coop for eggs and give the girls their treats. I was looking in the nesting boxes when Jordan “accidentally” closed the coop door! Now this normally wouldn’t have been a problem except the safety cord had fallen off, so we were stuck in the coop. Thankfully we have awesome neighbors! After he enjoyed a little laugh he kindly set us free. I am so grateful for our neighbors and this is definitely a moment we will talk about for years to come!

I just absolutely loved this moment! I was heading to my car and gazing out at the foggy morning sky when these sweet deer peeked around the trees. It was very calm and beautiful moment that is hard to put into words. Gods creation never ceases to amaze me!

I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into our week on the farm! Please let us know in the comments what else you would like to see on the blog!
I love keeping up with your farm and am so excited about all you are learning! Getting that first egg is the best, isn’t it!