You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. -Isaiah 26:3
In the recent weeks I have found myself feeling overwhelmed by all that we have going on in our lives. Our farm is growing, work is in a constant state of change, and our schedules are filled to the brim. My use of calming essential oils and moments of meditation have increased significantly. I realized that I am often looking to the future for peace. I tell myself that once we get to a certain point then it will feel balanced, manageable, and peaceful. But what about today? Can we have peace in the midst of everything going on in our lives?

The lightbulb moment came after a very emotionally draining day at work. I cried most of my long commute home and felt completely spent. Once I was home I changed from my corporate attire into my farm attire and headed straight to the coop. I was home, in my favorite place, holding my favorite chicken and yet I was too tense to enjoy the moment. I was relying on these external "things" to bring me comfort and help me through the hard times, instead of relying on my Heavenly Father.

God has used our farm to teach us many lessons, so it's no surprise that He used our farm to teach me a lesson on finding peace in all the busyness. I found that in the moments when my first reaction is prayer and seeking Christ, He provides the strength, comfort, and peace I need to walk through that season. On the contrary when I react to situations without seeking Christ, I find that this causes more hurt and turmoil on my part.

I thank God for His patience with me as I have to be reminded on His goodness and love towards me. I can allow my circumstances and emotions to cloud what I know to be true instead of relying on the One who is steadfast. I chose to share all of this with you today, in lieu of farm updates, because that is my heart. I pray that you find peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. I pray that when you feel overwhelmed by the world around you, the crazy schedules, and the inevitable changes that you lean into your Father's arms and find the comfort that only He provides.
Baxter's Treasures
Our lovely farm pup brought home several bones, some Taco Bell trash, and a rabbit. I am confident no one here wants to see that so instead I will share a cute picture.

How can I pray for you this week?
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Wow I know I needed this thank you for sharing a good reminder 💕