I can't believe we are already celebrating 2 years of our farm blog and just over 2 years of farming. This little corner of the internet has allowed us to share our journey, encourage others, and allowed us to grow our little farm community. As we celebrate our blog-ivesary I want to start by taking a look at our top 3 posts from the last year.

Our most popular post from last year was "Building Trust". In this post I talked about our process of earning the trust of our herd. Gentle animal handling is something I am very passionate about. Jordan and I both are calm and patient with our animals. This allows us to build trust and makes for easier handling too. If you haven't read that post, click the link above to read more about our process.

The next most popular post was "A Letter From My Heart". Honestly this was really just me being vulnerable about the winter blues and how God is working in my heart. I am sure a lot of you know by now, but this blog is not your typical farm blog. I share my heart, my faith, and my farm. I am not here to only share the cliché farm blog topics like "top 10 ways to make money on your homestead", I am here to share our journey with you. Our desire is to grow a community not a list of followers.

Our third most popular post was "New Additions and Gods Provision". Here I share all about several new additions to our farm in the same week! It was an amazing week and God provided in big ways! Definitely one of my favorite weeks on the farm.

Looking back at the highlight reel of the last year is amazing and even though it wasn't a top post I can't help but share one of my favorite posts, "Can We Really Be Self Sufficient?". I would love to take this concept and make it a reality in our community. I'd love to hear from y'all on this topic too. If you haven't read it, click the link and let me know your thoughts.

Do you have a favorite post or a favorite moment from our blog over the last year? Let me know if the comments below or share that post on socials (don't forget to tag us).
Happy Blog-iversary Farm Friends!
Hope you have a blessed day!
How can I pray for you?